Hi Darren,

thanks for your quick answer.

> On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 09:35:53AM -0700, Sascha
> wrote:
> > Then creating a zpool:
> > zpool create -m /zones/huhctmp huhctmppool
> c6t6001438002A5435A00010000005A0000d0
> > 
> > zpool list
>  huhctmppool  59.5G   103K  59.5G     0%  ONLINE  -
> I recall your original question was about a larger
> disk (>1TB).

It wasn't me, I just have the same problem... ;-)

>  My assumption is that the zpool create has created an
> EFI label here, but
> it would be nice to confirm with 'format' or
> 'prtvtoc' output.

confirmed, it's really an EFI Label. (see below)

   format> label
   [0] SMI Label
   [1] EFI Label
   Specify Label type[1]: 0
   Warning: This disk has an EFI label. Changing to SMI label will erase all
   current partitions.

BTW: Is there a smarter way to find out what Label is in place ?

> [skipping ahead]
> > format> type
> > 
> My fear is that with a small disk and not running
> 'format -e' it's
> placed an SMI label on the disk.  Again, confirming
> that would be nice.
> The label in this section must match the label in the
> first section.  If
> they're both EFI, you should be good.  If it put an
> SMI label on, the
> data won't line up.  If that's all that's wrong, you
> can repeat this
> step on your lun and should still be good.  
> (use 'format -e' and when labeling it should prompt
> you for the label
> type).
> > And in the end trying to import:
> > zpool import huhctmppool
> Hmm, you've skipped the partitioning step (which
> should be done after
> applying the new label). 

Yes I skipped it, because I had no choice to choose the whole size.
There was only partition 0 and 8.
Even if select 0, delete the slice and newly errect it, it has the same size.
Also the number of disk sectors did not change and slice 8 has still it's 
starting cylinder at the "old" end of the disk (See below)

  format> label
  [0] SMI Label
  [1] EFI Label
  Specify Label type[1]:
  Ready to label disk, continue? yes
 partition> p
 Current partition table (original):
 Total disk sectors available: 146784222 + 16384 (reserved sectors)

 Part      Tag    Flag     First Sector         Size         Last Sector
   0        usr    wm               256       69.99GB          146784222
   1 unassigned    wm                 0           0               0
   2 unassigned    wm                 0           0               0
   3 unassigned    wm                 0           0               0
   4 unassigned    wm                 0           0               0
   5 unassigned    wm                 0           0               0
   6 unassigned    wm                 0           0               0
   7 unassigned    wm                 0           0               0
   8   reserved    wm         146784223        8.00MB          146800606

> I would make sure that
> slice 0 encompasses the
> full 70G.  Basically, make the partitioning here look
> like it used to,
> but with more data in the slice.

I would like to, but how ?

> So
> #1.  Confirm you have EFI labels before and after
> running format

Ok, I can comfirm that.

> #2.  Partition the disk after the label to look like
> it used to (but
>      with a larger slice)

Well, that dosn't seem to work :-(


> Darren
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