My question is about SSD, and the differences between use SLC for readzillas instead of MLC.

Sun uses MLCs for Readzillas for their 7000 series. I would think that if SLCs (which are generally more expensive) were really needed, they would be used.

That's not entirely accurate. In the 7410 and 7310 today (the members of the Sun Storage 7000 series that support Readzilla) we use SLC SSDs. We're exploring the use of MLC.

Perhaps someone on the Fishworks team could give more details, but by going what I've read and seen, MLCs should be sufficient for the L2ARC. Save your money.

That's our assessment, but it's highly dependent on the specific characteristics of the MLC NAND itself, the SSD controller, and, of course, the workload.


Adam Leventhal, Fishworks              

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