On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 04:22:19PM -0400, Paul Kraus wrote:
>        We have a system with some large datasets (3.3 TB and about 35
> million files) and conventional backups take a long time (using
> Netbackup 6.5 a FULL takes between two and three days, differential
> incrementals, even with very few files changing, take between 15 and
> 20 hours). We already use snapshots for day to day restores, but we
> need the 'real' backups for DR.

zfs send will be very fast for "differential incrementals ... with very
few files changing" since zfs send is a block-level diff based on the
differences between the selected snapshots.  Where a traditional backup
tool would have to traverse the entire filesystem (modulo pruning based
on ctime/mtime), zfs send simply traverses a list of changed blocks
that's kept up by ZFS as you make changes in the first place.

For a *full* backup zfs send and traditional backup tools will have
similar results as both will be I/O bound and both will have more or
less the same number of I/Os to do.

Caveat: zfs send formats are not guraranteed to be backwards
compatible, therefore zfs send is not suitable for long-term backups.

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