On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 8:08 AM, Edward Ned Harvey<sola...@nedharvey.com> wrote:
>> >It's a strange question anyway - You want a single file to have
>> permissions
>> >(suppose 755) in one directory, and some different permissions
>> (suppost 700)
>> >in some other directory?  Then some users could access the file if
>> they use
>> >path A, but would be denied access to the same file if they used path
>> B?
>> >That's weird.
>> >
>> >It makes no sense to attempt setting perms on a symlink.  The perms
>> are
>> >determined by the actual file.  The symlink is just another name for
>> the
>> >file itself.  If you want to change perms of the file, change the
>> perms of
>> >the file.
>> I think the purpose, at least for Solaris, would be making sure that
>> chmod() doesn't follow symlinks.  lchmod() used on a symbolic link
>> would
>> be a no-op.
> My point exactly.  I'm being bold or brazen or ignorant by saying:  There is
> no point to do a chmod and not follow symlink.  Chmod should always follow
> symlinks.  That's why it's the default behavior, and that's why it's rare,
> strange, or impossible to override that behavior.

No it shouldn't.

Alice$ cd ~/proj1; ln -s /etc .,

Alice$ echo "Hi helpdesk, Bob is on vacation and he has a bunch of
files in my home directory for a project that we are working on
together.  Unfortunately, his umask was messed up and I can't modify
the files in ~alice/proj1.  Can you do a 'chmod -fR a+rw
/home/alice/proj1' for me?  Thanks!" | mailx -s "permissions fix"

Helpdesk$ pfexec chmod -fR a+rw /home/alice/proj1

Alice$ rm /etc/shadow
Alice$ cp myshadow /etc
Alice$ su -

Mike Gerdts
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