On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 5:55 PM, Richard Elling<richard.ell...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> No it shouldn't.
>> Alice$ cd ~/proj1; ln -s /etc .,
>> Alice$ echo "Hi helpdesk, Bob is on vacation and he has a bunch of
>> files in my home directory for a project that we are working on
>> together.  Unfortunately, his umask was messed up and I can't modify
>> the files in ~alice/proj1.  Can you do a 'chmod -fR a+rw
>> /home/alice/proj1' for me?  Thanks!" | mailx -s "permissions fix"
> Yeah, but that is just a social engineering attack.
> If you change chmod, you can just change the suggested
> command, and achieve similar results. cp and rm are favorite
> targets, too.  IMHO, the real problem here is that there is a
> multitude of cp, rm, chmod, ls, and other commands or shell
> builtins -- most folks won't know which one they are currently using :-(

It's not *just* a social engineering attack. It's relying on the fact that
(unlike chown -h) the chmod command follows symlinks and there's
no way to disable that behaviour.

-Peter Tribble
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