On 18.09.09 22:18, Dave Abrahams wrote:
I just did a fresh reinstall of OpenSolaris and I'm again seeing
the phenomenon described in http://article.gmane.org/gmane.os.solaris.opensolaris.zfs/26259
which I posted many months ago and got no reply to.

Can someone *please* help me figure out what's going on here?

Can you provide output of

zdb -l /dev/rdsk/c8t1d0p0
zdb -l /dev/rdsk/c8t1d0s0

zdb -l /dev/rdsk/c9t0d0p0
zdb -l /dev/rdsk/c9t0d0s0

zdb -l /dev/rdsk/c9t1d0p0
zdb -l /dev/rdsk/c9t1d0s0

as a starter?

I suspect there's some stale labels accessible through ...p0 devices (may be back labels only that unfortunately allow to open some pools that existed before.

So let's start finding this out.

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