On Fri, 18 Sep 2009 17:54:41 -0400
Robert Milkowski <mi...@task.gda.pl> wrote:

> There will be a delay of up-to 30s currently.
> But how much data do you expect to be pushed within 30s?
> Lets say it would be even 10g to lots of small file and you would 
> calculate the total size by only summing up a logical size of data. 
> Would you really expect that an error would be greater than 5% which 
> would be 500mb. Does it matter in practice?

Well, that wasn't the problem I was thinking of. I meant, if we have to
wait 30 seconds after the write to measure the disk usage... what do I
do, just sleep 30s after the write before polling for disk usage?

We could just ask for disk usage when we write, knowing that it doesn't
take into account the write we are performing... but we're changing what
we're measuring, then. If we are removing things from the cache in order
to free up space, how do we know when to stop?

To illustrate: normally when the cache is 98% full, we remove items
until we are 95% full before we allow a write to happen again. If we
relied on statvfs information for our disk usage information, we would
start removing items at 98%, and have no idea when we hit 95% unless we
wait 30 seconds.

If you are simply saying that the difference in logical size and used
disk blocks on ZFS are similar enough not to make a difference... well,
that's what I've been asking. I have asked what the maximum difference
is between "logical size rounded up to recordsize" and "size taken up on
disk", and haven't received an answer yet. If the answer is "small
enough that you don't care", then fantastic.

> what is user enables compression like lzjb or even gzip?
> How would you like to take it into account before doing writes?
> What if user creates a snapshot? How would you take it into account?

Then it will be wrong; we do not take them into account. I do not care
about those cases. It is already impossible to enforce that the cache
tracking data is 100% correct all of the time.

Imagine we somehow had a way to account for all of those cases you
listed, and would make me happy. Say the directory the user uses for the
cache data is /usr/vice/cache (one standard path to put it). The OpenAFS
client will put cache data in e.g. /usr/vice/cache/D0/V1 and a bunch of
other files.  If the user puts their own file in
/usr/vice/cache/reallybigfile, our cache tracking information will
always be off, in all current implementations.  We have no control over
it, and we do not try to solve that problem.

I am treating the cases of "what if the user creates a snapshot" and the
like as a similar situation. If someone does that and runs out of space,
it is pretty easy to troubleshoot their system and say "you have a
snapshot of the cache dataset; do not do that". Right now, if someone
runs an OpenAFS client cache on zfs and runs out of space, the only
thing I can tell them is "don't use zfs", which I don't want to do.

If it works for _a_ configuration -- the default one -- that is all I am
asking for.

> I'm under suspicion that you are looking too closely  for no real
> benefit. Especially if you don't want to dedicate a dataset to cache
> you would expect other  applications in a system  to write to the
> same file system but different locations which you have no control or
> ability to predict how much data will be written at all. Be it Linux,
> Solaris, BSD, ... the issue will be there.

It is certainly possible for other applications to fill up the disk. We
just need to ensure that we don't fill up the disk to block other
applications. You may think this is fruitless, and just from that
description alone, it may be. But you must understand that without an
accurate bound on the cache, well... we can eat up the disk a lot faster
than other applications without the user realizing it.

Andrew Deason
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