On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 01:51:52PM -0400, Steffen Weiberle wrote:
> I am trying to compile some deployment scenarios of ZFS.
> # of systems

One, our e-mail server for the entire campus.

> amount of storage

2 TB that's 58% used.

> application profile(s)

This is our Cyrus IMAP spool.  In addition to user's e-mail folders
(directories) and messages (files), it contains global, per-folder,
and per-user databases.  The latter two types are quite small.

> type of workload (low, high; random, sequential; read-only, read-write, 
> write-only)

It's quite active.  Message files arrive randomly and are deleted
randomly.  As a result, files in a directory are not located in
proximity on the storage.  Individual users often read all of their
folders and messages in one IMAP session.  Databases are quite active.
Each incoming message adds a file to a directory and reads or updates
several databases.  Most IMAP I/O is done with mmap() rather than with
read()/write().  So far, IMAP peformance is adequate.  The backup,
done by EMC Networker, is very slow because it must read thousands of
small files in directory order.

> storage type(s)

We are using an Iscsi SAN with storage on a Netapp filer.  It exports
four 500-gb LUNs that are striped into one ZFS pool.  All disk
mangement is done on the Netapp.  We have had several disk failures
and replacements on the Netapp, with no effect on the e-mail server.

> industry

A University with 35,000 enabled e-mail accounts.

> whether it is private or I can share in a summary
> anything else that might be of interest

You are welcome to share this information.

-Gary Mills-        -Unix Group-        -Computer and Network Services-
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