(posted to zfs-discuss)

Hmmm...this is nothing in terms of load.
So you say that the system becomes sluggish/unresponsive
periodically, and you noticed the xcall storm when that
happens, correct?

Refresh my memory - what is the frequency and duration
of the sluggish cycles?

Could you capture a kernel profile during a sluggish cycle;

#dtrace -n 'profile-997hz / arg0 && curthread->t_pri != -1 / { @[stack()]=count(); } tick-1sec { trunc(@,10); printa(@); clear(@); }'

And/or -

#lockstat -i997 -kIW -s 10 sleep 30 > lockstat.kprof.out


#lockstat -Cc sleep 30 > lockstat.locks.out


Jim Leonard wrote:
Can you gather some ZFS IO statistics, like
"fsstat zfs 1" for a minute or so.

Here is a snapshot from when it is exhibiting the behavior:

 new  name   name  attr  attr lookup rddir  read read  write write
 file remov  chng   get   set    ops   ops   ops bytes   ops bytes
    0     0     0    75     0      0     0     0     0    10 1.25M zfs
    0     0     0    83     0      0     0     0     0     7  896K zfs
    0     0     0    78     0      0     0     0     0    13 1.62M zfs
    0     0     0   229     0      0     0     0     0    29 3.62M zfs
    0     0     0   217     0      0     0     0     0    28 3.37M zfs
    0     0     0   212     0      0     0     0     0    26 3.03M zfs
    0     0     0   151     0      0     0     0     0    18 2.07M zfs
    0     0     0   184     0      0     0     0     0    31 3.41M zfs
    0     0     0   187     0      0     0     0     0    32 2.74M zfs
    0     0     0   219     0      0     0     0     0    24 2.61M zfs
    0     0     0   222     0      0     0     0     0    29 3.29M zfs
    0     0     0   206     0      0     0     0     0    29 3.26M zfs
    0     0     0   205     0      0     0     0     0    19 2.26M zfs

Unless attr_get is ludicrously costly, I can't see any issues...?
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