Hmmm - this is an annoying one.

I'm currently running an OpenSolaris install (2008.11 upgraded to 2009.06) :
SunOS shemhazai 5.11 snv_111b i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris

with a zpool made up of one radiz vdev and a small ramdisk based zil.  I 
usually swap out the zil for a file-based copy when I need to reboot (zpool 
replace /dev/ramdisk/slog /root/slog.tmp) but this time I had a brain fart and 
forgot to.

The server came back up and I could sort of work on the zpool but it was 
complaining so I did my replace command and it happily resilvered.  Then I 
restarted one more time in order to test bringing everything up cleanly and 
this time it can't find the file based zil.

I try importing and it comes back with:
zpool import
  pool: siovale
    id: 13808783103733022257
 state: UNAVAIL
status: One or more devices are missing from the system.
action: The pool cannot be imported. Attach the missing
        devices and try again.

        siovale     UNAVAIL  missing device
          raidz1    ONLINE
            c8d0    ONLINE
            c9d0    ONLINE
            c10d0   ONLINE
            c11d0   ONLINE

        Additional devices are known to be part of this pool, though their
        exact configuration cannot be determined.

Now the file still exists so I don't know why it can't seem to find it and I 
thought the missing zil issue was corrected in this version (or did I miss 

I've looked around for solutions to bring it back online and ran across this 
method: <> 
but before I jump in on this one I was hoping there was a newer, cleaner 
approach that I missed somehow.

Ideas appreciated...


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