
I am not at the machine right now, but I installed from the OpenSolaris 2009.06 
LiveCD and have all of the updates installed.  I have solely been using "zfs 
list" to look at the size of the pools.

from a saved file on my laptop:

me...@opensolarisnas:~$ zfs list
NAME                          USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
mediapool                    3.58T   432G  29.9K  /mediapool

I destroyed the zpool and created another one, this time using "raidz" instead 
of "raidz1" in the zpool create command, and showed 0 used and 5.3T available.

I am happy to have the extra TB of space, but just wanted to make sure that I 
had performed the create correctly each time.  When I created a RAIDZ pool in 
VMWare Fusion and typed "raidz" instead of "raidz1" I came up with equal sized 
pools, but that was a virtual machine and only 2GB disks were used.

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