On 5-Oct-09, at 3:32 PM, Miles Nordin wrote:

"bm" == Brandon Mercer <yourcomputer...@gmail.com> writes:

I'm now starting to feel that I understand this issue,
and I didn't for quite a while.  And that I understand the
risks better, and have a clearer idea of what the possible
fixes are.  And I didn't before.

haha, yes, I think I can explain it to people when advocating ZFS, but
the story goes something like ``ZFS is serious business and pretty
useful, but it has some pretty hilarious problems that you wouldn't

Let's talk about the "hilarious problems" that a naive RAID stack has, and most users "don't expect". For a start, no crash safe behaviour, and no way to self-heal from unexpected mirror desync. Then we could compare always-consistent COW with conventionally fragile metadata needing regular consistency checks...

from some of the blog hype you read.  Let me give you a couple
examples of things that still aren't fixed

...and can't be fixed, in RAID, or conventional filesystems.


and how the discussion
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