
I am trying to find out some definite answers on what needs to be done on an STK 2540 to set the Ingnore Cache Sync Option. The best I could find is Bob's "Sun StorageTek 2540 / ZFS Performance Summary" (Dated Feb 28, 2008, thank you, Bob), in which he quotes a posting of Joel Miller:

To set new values:
service -d arrayname -c set -q nvsram region=0xf2 offset=0x17 value=0x01 
service -d arrayname -c set -q nvsram region=0xf2 offset=0x18 value=0x01 
service -d arrayname -c set -q nvsram region=0xf2 offset=0x21 value=0x01 
Host region 00 is Solaris (w/Traffic Manager)

Is this information still current for F/W ?

I have an LSI/Sun presentation stating that it should be sufficient to set byte 0x21 - what is correct?

Bonus question: Is there a way to determine the setting which is currently active, if I don't know if the controller has been booted since the nvsram potentially got modified?

Thank you, Nils
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