On Tue, 20 Oct 2009, Robert Dupuy wrote:

My post is a caution to test the performance, and get your own results.


Please see the entry for October 12th.

I see an editorial based on no experience and little data.

The result page you linked too, shows that you can use an arbitrarily high number of threads, spread evenly across a large number of SAS channels, and get the results to scale.

This is Sun's ideal conditions designed to sell the F5100. Now, real world performance is unimpressive.

It is not clear to me that "real world performance is unimpressive" since then it is necessary to define what is meant by "real world". Many real world environments are naturally heavily threaded.

I'm issuing a caution because I think its a benefit. Look at Sun's numbers for latency



Fast compared to hard drives, but quite slow compared to competing SSD.

You are assuming that the competing SSD vendors measured latency the same way that Sun did.

Sun has always been conservative with their benchmarks and their specifications.

I've done testing with the X25-E (Intel 32GB 2.5" SATA form factor drives).

I'm cautious about the F20, precisely because I would think Sun would be anxious to prove its faster than this competitor.

Is the X25-E a competitor? I never even crossed my mind that a device like the X25-E would be a competitor. They don't satisfy the same requirements. 1K non-volatile write IOPS vs 84k non-volatile write IOPS. Seems like night and day to me (and I am sure that Sun prices accordingly).

The only thing I agree with is the need to perform real world testing for the intended application.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
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