Looks great - and by the time OpenSolaris build has it, I will have a
brand new laptop to put it on ;-)

One question though - I have a file server at home with 4x750GB on
raidz1. When I upgrade to the latest build and set dedup=on, given
that it does not have an offline mode, there is no way to operate on
the existing dataset?

As a workaround I can move files in and out of the pool through an
external 500GB HDD, and with the ZFS snapshots I don't really risk
much about losing data if anything goes (not too horribly, anyway)

Thanks to you guys again for the great work!


On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Jeff Bonwick <jeff.bonw...@sun.com> wrote:
>> Terrific! Can't wait to read the man pages / blogs about how to use it...
> Just posted one:
> http://blogs.sun.com/bonwick/en_US/entry/zfs_dedup
> Enjoy, and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for
> follow-on posts.
> Jeff


Mike Ditka  - "If God had wanted man to play soccer, he wouldn't have
given us arms." -
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