hi folks,

i'm seeing an odd problem & wondered whether others had encountered it.

when i try to write to a nevada NFS share from a mac os X (10.5) client via the 
mac's GUI, i get a permissions error - the file is 0 bytes, date set to jan 1, 
1970, and perms set to 000.  writing to the share via the command line works 
fine, so it's not a "normal" permissions problem.

here's the weird thing:

a) with mac os X 10.4,  sparc snv_84 and zfs filesystem zhared via NFS => no 

b) mac os X 10.5, sparc snv_84, zfs =>  doesn't work

c) mac os X 10.5, sparc snv_84, UFS =>  no problem

d) mac os X 10.5,  x86 snv_115, ZFS =>  no problem

e) mac os X, 10.5, sparc snv_125, ZFS => doesn't work

i haven't yet tried  sparc snv_125 + UFS,  but i'm wondering if there's anyone 
out here with a working combination of: mac os X 10.5, sparc snv_120+, ZFS, NFS 

i thought at first it was a problem with the mac 10.5 nfs client, but then i'd 
expect (c) and (d) to fail, too.

i've tried existing shares, new shares, zfs-based sharing, straight "share(1m)" 
sharing, root=mac_client - none have made much difference. it's all been NFSv3

snooping the communication hasn't yielded much obvious.

any thoughts/suggestions/wisdom?
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