Ok, since we're doing weird, here's my experience ...

MacOS X 10.5, amd64 snv_82, ZFS via NFS v3, iTunes 7-ish

One ZFS filesystem with about 8000 mp3 files.

One empty iTunes library.

Drag and drop about 250 directories (containing the 800 files) into iTunes from NFS mounted volume.

Select all songs, drag and drop onto freshly initialised iPod Classic 160GB.

And at this point I start getting iTunes error messages about missing files!

I log onto the NFS server to check out the ZFS directories and, sure enough, the files are gone!

Thankfully, I had a snapshot and was able to recover the lost files.

Until I saw your post, I'd assumed there was a nasty in iTunes.

Peter Lees wrote:
hi folks,

i'm seeing an odd problem & wondered whether others had encountered it.

when i try to write to a nevada NFS share from a mac os X (10.5) client via the mac's 
GUI, i get a permissions error - the file is 0 bytes, date set to jan 1, 1970, and perms 
set to 000.  writing to the share via the command line works fine, so it's not a 
"normal" permissions problem.

here's the weird thing:

a) with mac os X 10.4,  sparc snv_84 and zfs filesystem zhared via NFS => no 

b) mac os X 10.5, sparc snv_84, zfs =>  doesn't work

c) mac os X 10.5, sparc snv_84, UFS =>  no problem

d) mac os X 10.5,  x86 snv_115, ZFS =>  no problem

e) mac os X, 10.5, sparc snv_125, ZFS => doesn't work

i haven't yet tried  sparc snv_125 + UFS,  but i'm wondering if there's anyone 
out here with a working combination of: mac os X 10.5, sparc snv_120+, ZFS, NFS 

i thought at first it was a problem with the mac 10.5 nfs client, but then i'd 
expect (c) and (d) to fail, too.

i've tried existing shares, new shares, zfs-based sharing, straight "share(1m)" 
sharing, root=mac_client - none have made much difference. it's all been NFSv3

snooping the communication hasn't yielded much obvious.

any thoughts/suggestions/wisdom?

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