on 06/12/2009 19:40 Volker A. Brandt said the following:
>> I wanted to add a disk to the tank pool to create a mirror. I accidentally
>> used zpool add ? instead of zpool attach ? and now the disk is added. Is
>> there a way to remove the disk without loosing data?
> Been there, done that -- at a customer site while showing off
> ZFS. :-)
> Currently, you cannot remove a "simple" device.  Depending
> on your Solaris version, you can remove things like hot spares and
> cache devices, but not simple vdevs.
> Backup the pool and recreate it in the correct way.
> Sorry for the bad news -- Volker

Yep.  My 2 cents -- 'add' and 'attach' are so similar the words that I think
that ZFS tools UI designers (if any) should re-consider naming of these
commands.  Or 'add' command should always be interactive and ask for at least
two confirmations that a user knows what he is doing and why.  Perhaps, it
should include a ZFS micro-exam too.
Jokes aside, this is too easy to make a mistake with the consequences that are
too hard to correct.  Anyone disagrees?

Andriy Gapon
zfs-discuss mailing list

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