On Dec 16, 2009, at 9:17 PM, Tim wrote:

hmm interesting... haven't tried dd yet... just been running a read test via format>analyze and it's showing up the slow down.

Starts off reading fast...next time I looked at it, it was reading slowly and was up to 52100000. I started another read test on one of the other drives and in a few minutes it was reading past the sus one. I restarted the read test on the sus drive as I wanted to see exactly what count it started to read slow, got to count 51200000 and then it slows right down and becomes erratic. I haven't let it run much longer then that. Interesting though...I dare say there's no bad sectors, but something is amiss with the scanning. Anyone ever seen a drive behave like this before ? I thought the count being 512xxxxx a little odd too.

Try yelling at it :-)
But seriously, vibration could cause this.
 -- richard

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