On Fri 18/12/09 07:57 , "Stacy Maydew" stacy.may...@sun.com sent:
> I'm trying to see if zfs dedupe is effective on our datasets, but I'm
> having a hard time figuring out how to measure the space saved.
> When I sent one backup set to the filesystem, the usage reported by
> "zfs list" and "zfs get used <my zfs>" are the
> expected values based on the data size.  
> When I store a second copy, which should dedupe entirely, the zfs commands
> report the doubled used space that would be occupied if dedupe was turned
> off.
> My question is, are the numbers being reported by the zfs command taking
> into account the deduplication, or is there some other way to see how much
> space we're saving.

What does zpool list show?

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