"Try an SGA more like 20-25 GB. Remember, the database can cache more
effectively than any file system underneath. The best I/O is the I/O
you don't have to make."

We'll be turning up the SGA size from 4GB to 16GB.
The arc size will be set from 8GB to 4GB.

"This can be a red herring. Judging by the number of IOPS below,
it has not improved. At this point, I will assume you are using
disks that have NCQ or CTQ (eg most SATA and all FC/SAS drives).
If you only issue one command at a time, you effectively disable
NCQ and thus cannot take advantage of its efficiencies."

Here's another sample of the data taken at another time after the number of 
concurrent ios change from 10 to 1.  We're using Seagate Savio 10K SAS 
drives...I could not pull up info if the drives support NCQ or not.  What's the 
recommended value to set concurrent IOs to?  

    r/s    w/s   Mr/s   Mw/s wait actv wsvc_t asvc_t  %w  %b device
    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0 c0
    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0    0.0   0   0 c0t0d0
 1402.2 7805.3    2.7   36.2  0.2 54.9    0.0    6.0   0 940 c1
   10.8    1.0    0.1    0.0  0.0  0.1    0.0    7.0   0   7 c1t0d0
  117.1  640.7    0.2    1.8  0.0  4.5    0.0    5.9   1  76 c1t1d0
  116.9  638.2    0.2    1.7  0.0  4.6    0.0    6.1   1  78 c1t2d0
  116.4  639.1    0.2    1.8  0.0  4.6    0.0    6.0   1  78 c1t3d0
  116.6  638.1    0.2    1.7  0.0  4.6    0.0    6.1   1  77 c1t4d0
  113.2  638.0    0.2    1.8  0.0  4.6    0.0    6.1   1  77 c1t5d0
  116.6  635.3    0.2    1.7  0.0  4.5    0.0    6.0   1  76 c1t6d0
  116.2  637.8    0.2    1.8  0.0  4.7    0.0    6.2   1  79 c1t7d0
  115.3  636.7    0.2    1.8  0.0  4.4    0.0    5.8   1  77 c1t8d0
  115.4  637.8    0.2    1.8  0.0  4.5    0.0    5.9   1  77 c1t9d0
  114.8  635.0    0.2    1.8  0.0  4.3    0.0    5.7   1  76 c1t10d0
  114.9  639.9    0.2    1.8  0.0  4.7    0.0    6.2   1  78 c1t11d0
  115.1  638.7    0.2    1.8  0.0  4.4    0.0    5.9   1  77 c1t12d0
    1.6  140.0    0.0   15.1  0.0  0.6    0.0    4.4   0   8 c1t13d0
    1.3    9.1    0.0    0.1  0.0  0.0    0.0    1.0   0   0 c1t14d0
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