Hi David,

>Did you pick the chassis and disk size based on planned storage 
>requirements, or because it's what you could get to build a big honking 
>fileserver box?  Just curious.  

I have a 4tb Buffalo Terastation that cannot be expanded further and I am using 
2.7tb. Also, I have need to make sure e-mail, websites, etc are routinely 
backed up. I chose 1.5tb drives as they were the best bang for the buck as I 
got them all on sale. 4 for $105 each and 4 of them for a whopping $50 each. 
All Seagate 7200RPM. I chose the Chenbro 16-bay chasis as it allowed me to 
expand to a reasonable RAID past the Terastation and also allowed me to to add 
more drives in the future. 

>For a system where you care about capacity and safety, but not that much 
>about IO throughput (that's my interpretation of what you said you would 
>use it for), with 16 bays, I believe the expert opinion will tell you 
>that two RAIDZ2 groups of 8 disks each is one of the better ways to 

Yup that is what I am doing. I have two 3ware RAID card (each 8 SATA ports) and 
I have the 8 1.5tb drives to start with.

I downloaded OpenSolaris today, I will get it installed tomorrow and see how I 
fair. Thanks for the link the ZFS Best Practices.

Do you have any thoughts on implementation? I think I would just like to put my 
Home directory on the ZFS pool and just SCP files up as needed. I dont think I 
need to mount drives on my mac, etc. SCP seems to suite me.

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