On 25 mars 2010, at 22:00, Bruno Sousa <bso...@epinfante.com> wrote:


Indeed the 3 disks per vdev (raidz2) seems a bad idea...but it's the system i have now. Regarding the performance...let's assume that a bonnie++ benchmark could go to 200 mg/s in. The possibility of getting the same values (or near) in a zfs send / zfs receive is just a matter of putting , let's say a 10gbE card between both systems? I have the impression that benchmarks are always synthetic, therefore live/production environments behave quite differently. Again, it might be just me, but with 1gb link being able to replicate 2 servers with a average speed above 60 mb/s does seems quite good. However, like i said i would like to know other results from other guys...

Don't forget to factor in your transport mechanism. If you're using ssh to pipe the send/recv data your overall speed may end up being CPU bound since I think that ssh will be single threaded so even on a multicore system, you'll only be able to consume one core and here raw clock speed will make difference.


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