On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 09:58:50AM -0700, Richard Elling wrote:
> On Apr 14, 2010, at 8:57 AM, Yariv Graf wrote:
> > From my experience dealing with > 4TB you stop writing after 80% of zpool 
> > utilization
> YMMV. I have routinely completely filled zpools. There have been some
> improvements in performance of allocations when free space gets low in
> the past 6-9 months, so later releases are more efficient.

Some weeks ago, I read with interest an excellent discussion of
changes resulting in performance benefits for the fishworks platform,
from Roch Bourbonnais. 

After all the analysis, three key changes are described in the
penultimate paragraph.  The first two of these basically adjust
thresholds for existing behavioual changes (e.g the switch from
first-fit to best-fit); the last is an actual code change.

I meant to ask at the time, and never followed up to do so, whether:
 - these changes are also/yet in onnv-gate zfs
 - which builds, if so
 - whether the altered thresholds are accessible as tunables, for
   older builds/in the meantime.  

I've just added the above as a comment on the blog post, in the
hopes of attracting Roch's attention there. There have been recent
commits go by (>b134) that seem promising too.


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