
do you want to use it as a file smb-fileserver or do you want to have other 
windows services?  if you want to use it as a file server only, i would suggest 
to use build in cifs server. 

iscsi will be always slower than native cifs server and you have snapshots via 
windows property previous version with opensolaris cifs server.

i'm just on the way to replace our windows file server with zfs server (nexenta 
+ napp-it) for our students and up to now i have a good feeling about - after 
one year of evaluating and hesitating. i would say, now it*s not just good 
enough, its better than a windows 200x file server. acl is working nearly like 
on windows.
the best is, we can allow our user to set access rights. even if they remove 
admin access (needed for backuos), root can read files due to underlaying unix.

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