On 21/04/2010 04:43, Ben Rockwood wrote:
I'm doing a little research study on ZFS benchmarking and performance
profiling.  Like most, I've had my favorite methods, but I'm
re-evaluating my choices and trying to be a bit more scientific than I
have in the past.

To that end, I'm curious if folks wouldn't mind sharing their work on
the subject?  What tool(s) to you prefer in what situations?  Do you
have a standard method of running them (tool args; block sizes, thread
counts, ...) or procedures between runs (zpool import/export, new
dataset creation,...)?  etc.

filebench is useful to look at. One of the interesting things about filebench is it has a filesystem specific "flush" script that it executes between runs - the idea being to get rid of anything cached. For ZFS it exports and imports the pool. filebench also has configurations for benchmarking particular well known workloads (like OLTP, file serving, webserving etc). Now having said that I've had some "interesting" results (where I know I'm asking ZFS to do more work with the data yet filebench results showed they were faster) with it recently that make me wonder a little about some of what it does. There is an option to filebench to generate comparison tables between multiple runs - though all that really does it put the columns next to each other you don't get any percentage differences or useful info.

I've been recommended to look at vdbench as well and I've just started looking at that. Unlike filebench though vdbench will need to have support scripts to flush out cached data etc. vdbench is written in Java so it is possible to run it on your local and remote storage (where remote might not be OpenSolaris) it also has a nice GUI compare tool that uses colour and percentages to show the differences between runs.

Darren J Moffat
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