> From: zfs-discuss-boun...@opensolaris.org [mailto:zfs-discuss-
> boun...@opensolaris.org] On Behalf Of Edward Ned Harvey
> Actually, I find this very surprising:
> Question posted:
> http://lopsa.org/pipermail/tech/2010-April/004356.html

As the thread unfolds, it appears, although netapp may sometimes have some
problems with "mv" directories ... This is evidence that appears to be
weakening ... Sometimes they do precisely what you would want them to do.
Which is, to have the .snapshot directory available under every
subdirectory, and the contents are the best you could hope for that
location.  Meaning, the parent directory .snapshot contains an image of the
way the filesystem looked at the time of the snapshot, but the snapshots of
the children, even after the children were renamed, preserve the history of
where the children came from (before they were renamed via "mv").

Still waiting to know more; maybe the bad behavior was a bug that was fixed
in some release.  But to anyone who may have read that thread already:
there are conflicting results coming from different people now.  Meaning, 3
data points, with 2 good and 1 bad.

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