> From: Richard Elling [mailto:richard.ell...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2010 7:42 PM
> Next,
>       mv /a/e /a/E
>       ls -l a/e/.snapshot/snaptime
>       ls -l a/E/.snapshot/snapname/d.txt
> this should be ENOENT because d.txt did not exist in a/E at snaptime.


E did exist.  Inode 12345 existed, but it had a different name at the time
of snapshot.  Therefore, 
a/e/.snapshot/snapname/c/d.txt  is the file at the time of snapshot.
But these are also the same thing:

It would be very annoying if you could have a directory named "foo" which
contains all the snapshots for its own history, and then "mv foo bar" and
suddenly the snapshots all disappear.  This is not the behavior.

The behavior is:  If you "mv foo bar" then the snapshots which were
previously accessible under foo are now accessible under bar.  However, if
you look in the snapshot of foo's parent, then you will see "foo" and not
"bar".   Just the way it would have looked, at the time of the snapshot.

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