On 04/28/10 10:01 AM, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
On Wed, 28 Apr 2010, Ian Collins wrote:

On 04/28/10 03:17 AM, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk wrote:
Hi all

I have a test system with snv134 and 8x2TB drives in RAIDz2 and currently no Zil or L2ARC. I noticed the I/O speed to NFS shares on the testpool drops to something hardly usable while scrubbing the pool.

Is that small random or block I/O?

I've found latency to be the killer rather than throughput, at lest when receiving snapshots. In normal operation, receiving an empty snapshot is a sub-second operation. While resilvering, at can take up to 30 seconds. The write speed on bigger snapshots is still acceptable.

zfs scrub != zfs send

Where did I say it did?  I didn't even mention zfs send.

My observation concerned poor performance (latency) during a scrub/resilver.



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