> In my opinion periodic scrubs are most useful for
> pools based on 
> mirrors, or raidz1, and much less useful for pools
> based on raidz2 or 
> raidz3.  It is useful to run a scrub at least once on
> a well-populated 
> new pool in order to validate the hardware and OS,
> but otherwise, the 
> scrub is most useful for discovering bit-rot in
> singly-redundant 
> pools.
> Bob


for once, well populated pools are rarely new. Second, Best Practises 
recommendations on scrubbing intervals are based on disk product line 
(Enterprise monthly vs. Consumer weekly), not on redundancy level or pool 
configuration. Obviously, the issue under discussion affects all imaginable 
configurations, though. It may only vary in the degree.
Recommending to not using scrub doesn't even qualify as a workaround, in my 


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