On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 8:07 AM, Emily Grettel <emilygrettelis...@hotmail.com
> wrote:

>  Hi,
> I've had my RAIDz volume working well on SNV_131 but it has come to my
> attention that there has been some read issues with the drives. Previously I
> thought this was a CIFS problem but I'm noticing that when transfering files
> or uncompressing some fairly large 7z (1-2Gb) files (or even smaller rar -
> 200-300Mb) files occasionally running iostat will give the b% as 100 for a
> drive or two.

That's the percent of time the disk is busy (transactions in progress) -

> I have the Western Digital EADS 1TB drives (Green ones) and not the more
> expensive black or enterprise drives (our sysadmins fault).
> The pool in question spans 4x 1TB drives.
> What exactly does this mean? Is it a controller problem disk problem or
> cable problem? I've got this on commodity hardware as its only used for a
> small business with 4-5 staff accessing our media server. Its using the
> Intel ICHR SATA controller. I've already changed the cables, swapped out the
> odd drive that exhibted this issue and the only thing I can think of is to
> buy a Intel or LSI SATA card.
> The scrub sessions take almost a day and a half now (previously at most
> 12hours!) but theres also 70% of space being used (files wise they're chunky
> MPG files) or compressed artwork but there are no errors reported.
> Does anyone have any ideas?

You might be maxing out your drives' I/O capacity. That could happen when
ZFS is commting the transactions to disk every 30 seconds but if %b is
constantly high you disks might not be keeping up with the performance

We've had some servers showing high asvc_t times but it turned out to be a
firmware issue in the disk controller. It was very erratic (1-2 drives out
of 24 would show that).

If you look in the archives, people have sent a few averaged I/O performance
numbers that you could compare to your workload.

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