Folks I posted this question on (OpenSolaris - Help) without any replies and am 
re-posting here in the hope someone can help ... I have updated the wording a 
little too (in an attempt to clarify)

I currently use OpenSolaris on a Toshiba M10 laptop.

One morning the system wouldn't boot OpenSolaris 2009.06 (it was simply unable 
progress to the second stage grub). On further investigation I discovered the 
hdd partition slice with rpool appeared to have bad sectors.

Faced with either a rebuild or an attempt at recovery, I first made an attempt 
to recover the slice before rebuilding.

The c7t0d0 HDD (p0) was divided into p1 (NTFS 24GB), p2 (OpenSolaris 24GB), p3 
(OpenSolaris zfs pool for data 160GB) and p4 (50GB extended with 32GB pcfs, 
12GB linux and linux swap) partitions (or something close to that). On the 
first Solaris partition (p2), slice 0 was the OpenSolaris rpool zpool.

To attempt recovery I booted the OpenSolaris 2009.06 live CD and was able to 
import the ZFS pool which was configured on p3. On the p2 device (Solaris boot 
partition which wouldn't boot) I then ran dd if=/dev/rdsk/c7t0d0s2 bs=512 
conv=sync, noerror of=/p0/s2image.dd.

Due to sector read error timeouts, this took longer than my maintenance window 
allowed and I ended up aborting the attempt with a significant amount of 
sectors already captured. 

On block examination of this (so far) captured image.dd, I noticed the first 
two s0 vdev labels appeared to be intact. I then skipped the expected number of 
s2 sectors to get to the s0 start and copied blocks to attempt to reconstruct 
the s0 rpool (against this I ran zdb -l which reported the first two labels) 
and gave me the encouragement necessary to continue the exercise.

At the next opportunity I ran the command again using the skip directive to 
capture the balance of slice. The result was that I had two files (images) 
comprising the good c7t0d0s0 sectors (with I expect the bad padded) Ie. an 
s0image_start.dd and s0image_end.dd

As mentioned at this stage I was able to run 'zfs -l s0image_start.dd' and see 
the first two vdev labels and 'zfs -l s0image_end.dd' and see the last two vdev 

I then combined the two files (I tried various approaches eg. cat and dd with 
the append directive) however only the first two vdev labels appear to be 
readable in the resulting s0image_s0.dd? The resulting file size, which I 
expect is largely good sectors with padding for bad sectors, matches that of 
the prtvtoc s0 sectors count multiplied by 512.

Can anyone advise .. why I am unable to read the third and forth vdev labels 
once the start and end files are combined?

Is there another approach that may prove more fruitful?

Once I have the file (with labels being in the correct places) I was intending 
to attempt to import the vdev zpool as rpool2 or attempt any repair procedures 
I could locate (as far as was possible anyway) to see what data could be 
recovered (besides it was an opportunity to get another close look at ZFS).

Incidentally *only* the c7t0d0s0 slice appeared to have bad sectors (I do 
wonder what the significance is of this?).
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