>>>>> "cs" == Cindy Swearingen <cindy.swearin...@oracle.com> writes:

okay wtf.  Why is this thread still alive?

    cs> The mirror mount feature

It's unclear to me from this what state the feature's in:


It sounds like mirror mounts are done but referrals are not, but I
don't know.  Are the client and server *both* done?  I assume so,
because I don't know how else it could be tested.  Is the bug with
'find' fixed?  It looks like it was fixed, but very recently:


and it sounds like there could be problems with other programs that
have a --one-file-system option like gnutar and rsync because the fix
is sort of ad-hoc---it's done by making changes to the solaris
userland.  Are all the features described at:


actually implemented, including automounter overrides, automatic
unmounting, recursive unmounting?  not sure.

Are you even using NFSv4 in Linux?  It's very unlikely.  probably you
are using NFSv3.  People are reporting unresolved problems with NFSv4
with connections bouncing and not properly simulating the
``statelessness'' that allows servers to reboot when clients don't:


granted, ISTR some of the problems are reported by people doing goofy
bullshit through firewalls, like bank admins that don't seem to
understand TCP/IP and are flailing around with the blamestick because
they are in a CYA environment and don't have reasonable control of
their own systems.  but I am not sure it's worth the trouble!  AFAICT
you cannot even net-boot opensolaris over NFSv4: '/' comes up mounted
with NFSv3.

It seems to me every time this ``I can't see subdirectories'' comes up
it's from someone who doesn't understand how NFS and Unix works,
doesn't know how to mount ANY filesystem much less NFS, has no idea
what version of NFS he is using much less how to determine his NFSv4
idmap domain (answer is: 'cat /var/run/nfs4_domain').

The right answer is ``you need to mount the underlying filesystem.
You need one mount command or mount line in /etc/{v,}fstab per one
exported filesystem on the server.''  very simple, very reasonable.
But the answer pitched at them is all this convoluted bleeding edge
mess about mirror mounts, coming from people who don't have any
experience actually USING mirror mounts, always with the caveat ``I'm
not sure if your client supports BUT ...''!!!  But what?  Are you even
sure if the feature works ANYwhere, if you've never used it yourself?
It sounds like a simple feature, but it just isn't.  

If it actually worked the question would not even exist, so how can it
be the answer?  It is like ``Q. Can you please help me? / A. You might
not even be here.  Maybe we are not having this conversation because
everything works perfectly.  Let me explain to you what `working
perfectly' means and then you can tell me if you are real or not.''

I would suggest you forget about this noise for the moment and write
heirarchical automount maps.  This works on both Linux and Solaris,
except that you don't have the full value of the automounter here
because you cannot refresh parts of the subtree while the parent is
still mounted, which is part of what the automounter is good for.
It's normal that an aoutmounter won't consider new map data for things
that are already mounted, but for heirarchical automounts, AFAICT you
have to unmount the whole tree before any changes deep inside the tree
will be refreshed from the map, which is less than ideal but reflects
the ad-hoc way the automounter's corner cases were slowly semifixed,
especially on Linux.  There are examples of heirarchical automounts in
the man page, and if you don't understand the examples then simply do
not use the automounter at all.

You do not even need to use the automounter.  You can just put
your filesystems into /etc/fstab and walk away from it.  Honestly I
think it is crazy that it takes you over a month simply to get one NFS
subdirectory mounted inside another.  This should take one hour.
Please just forget about all this newfangled bullshit and mount the
filesystem.  see 'man mount' and just DOOOOO it!  Like this in
/etc/fstab on Linux:

terabithia:/arrchive                            /arrchive                       
nfs     rw,noacl,nodev         0 0
terabithia:/arrchive/music                      /arrchive/music                 
nfs     rw,noacl,nodev         0 0

*DONE*.  There is no NFSv4.  It is NFSv3.  There is no automounter.
There are no ``mirror mounts'' and no referrals.  If you add more ZFS
filesystems, you add more lines to /etc/fstab on every Linux client.

If you are afraid you are using NFSv4, stop that from happening by
saying '-o vers=3' on Solaris or '-t nfs' in Linux.  But if you're
using Linux, you're not using NFSv4.  Solaris uses v4 by default,
sometimes but not others.  Linux uses v3 unless you say '-t nfs4', so
just don't say that.  and if you see '+' signs after your permissions,
like this:

getzi:~# ls -ld /etc
drwxr-xr-x+ 76 root root 184 May 30 16:45 /etc

then add '-o noacl' to the client's mount commandline to turn off all
this overpresumptuous solaris autoconversion ACL-faking.

It is really sad something so simple has become so polluted with fail.


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