On Jul 1, 2010, at 7:29 PM, Derek Olsen wrote:

> doh! It turns out the host in question is actually a Solaris 10 update 6 
> host.   It appears that an Solaris 10 update 8 host actually sets the start 
> sector at 256.

Yes, this is a silly bug, fixed years ago.

>  So to simplify the question.   If I'm using ZFS with EFI label and full disk 
> do I even need to worry about lun alignment?  I was all excited to do some 
> benchmarking and now it appears that zfs will just do the right thing 
> (assuming the right OS update).

It is not much of a problem on 512 byte sector HDDs.  It is more of a 
problem on RAID arrays, especially if you are using RAID-5.  But since it has 
fixed for so long, we rarely see anyone reporting it as a problem.
 -- richard

Richard Elling
rich...@nexenta.com   +1-760-896-4422
ZFS and NexentaStor training, Rotterdam, July 13-15, 2010

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