On Jul 2, 2010, at 12:53 PM, Steve Radich, BitShop, Inc. wrote:

> I see in NexentaStor's announcement of Community Edition 3.0.3 they mention 
> some backported patches in this release.

Yes.  These patches are in the code tree, currently at b143 (~18 weeks
newer than b134)

> Aside from their management features / UI what is the core OS difference if 
> we move to Nexenta from OpenSolaris b134? 

You're not stuck at b134 for ZFS anymore ;-)

> These DeDup bugs are my main frustration - if a staff member does a rm * in a 
> directory with dedup you can take down the whole storage server - all with 1% 
> cpu load and relatively little disk i/o due to DeDup DDT not fitting in the 
> SSD + RAM (l2arc+arc). This is rediculous, something must be single threaded 
> and it can't be that difficult to at least allow reads from other files.. 
> Writes perhaps are more complex - But in our case the "other files" don't 
> even have DeDup enabled on them and they can't be read.

Some are fixed, more are in the upstream development queue.

> It seems like some of these bugs have been fixed but Oracle hasn't published 
> a new build - Perhaps we should be updating to newer builds, I haven't 
> invested much time in seeking these out but b134 is the latest "obvious" 
> build I see. Am I just not RTFM enough on finding new builds? 

No, what you see is what you get.  After the CIC there hasn't been a 
binary release from Oracle, just source releases.  I read this as saying
the community should build their own distros. In a quick look at 
http://www.genunix.org it appears that Nexenta and EON are the only
distro releases since early March.  Rich Lowe has released a b142
tarball, too, but does that qualify as a distro?

> I hate to move to Nexenta, I would think in the future Oracle will maintain 
> this better than a third party and don't want to switch back and forth.

I understand, but if actions speak louder than words, then consider joining
the Nexenta core platform community at http://www.nexenta.org  
But don't forget to stay up to date with ZFS on zfs-discuss :-)
 -- richard

Richard Elling
rich...@nexenta.com   +1-760-896-4422
ZFS and NexentaStor training, Rotterdam, July 13-15, 2010

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