I wanted to build a small back up (maybe also NAS) server using OpenSolaris and ZFS using consumer drives but after reading a number of threads and blogs I'm totally confused and was hoping I could get some questions answered since many people have been using consumer drives with zfs.

When ZFS first was announced I remember reading that it's error correction could make consumer level disks suitable for RAID applications but that doesn't seem to be the case. I'm familiar and have had good experience with WD drives so I'll be mainly referring to them.

1.  WD Caviar Black
Can they be used with in raidz or mirrors?

With the new models the firmware is locked and you can't change the TLER settings. When a drive detects an error it's going to hang a long time trying to correct the problem before it reports the error to ZFS right? What type of errors are we talking about, bad blocks or something more serious?

Once it reports an error zfs marks the drive as offline? In the case of something like bad blocks, can the drive somehow be salvaged by marking off the bad blocks and reducing the size of the vdev or does it need to be replaced?

Because of the TLER issue, does this mean that drives that would have been able to remain in service as just an ordinary stand alone drive would need to be replaced so that you can expect to replace consumer drives like the WD Caviar Blacks to not last as long using ZFS?

2. WD Caviar Greens
I was hoping to use low power drives like the WD Caviar Greens. In addition to the TLER issue they have an issue with too many load/unload cycles that would wear out the drive faster when used in raid configs including zfs. WD put out a utility that could increase the time to reduce the load/unload cycles (wdidle.exe). Does this still work with the caviar green drives? Even if it does work, changing the idle behavior is going to make it use more energy right?

Are Caviar Green drives (the new ones anyway) completely unsuitable for a ZFS based back-up or NAS server?

3. WD Scorpio Blue/Black
It seems like the greens are out so these might be a better low power option? These are the 2.5" SATA laptop drives. These seem like a great drive to use in a small backup server because of their size and power usage. If you don't need large capacity but want multiple drives for redundancy could these be used? Storage density isn't so bad considering you can fit 2 in the space of one 3.5" drive.

It would be great if these drives could be used but I haven't been able to find much info using them with zfs. To be able to save money and space it would be nice to at least have the option of using 2 of these mirrored as the rpool.

The 5400RPM Scorpio Blue drives with their low power requirements and low heat would make a nice home backup server if they could work with ZFS. I've read about people using them in a RAID0 config in their laptops so maybe there's hope? There's a 1TB Scorpio blue that uses "Advanced Formatting" (whatever that is) will that be a problem for ZFS? 4 of them can fit in 1 5.25" bay and cost around $700 for 3TB.

4. Consumer vs High End Controllers
I read a something along the lines of 'you can use consumer drives with low end sata cards but the enterprise drives like the RE3 and Velociraptor need to be used with high end sata raid cards'.

Can someone clarify this for me please? I was planning on using something like the Syba SY-PCI40010 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816124028&cm_re=Sil3124-_-16-124-028-_-Product) which uses a SiL3124 chipset. I'm not great with this type of hardware but my understanding is that even though it has RAID features it's a software raid card and when you don't use the RAID features it's just a plain SATA port multiplier.

This really confused me because I thought any hardware or software raid card is just a sata port replicator when you're not letting the card do the RAID.

In terms of performance, problems, reliability, drive life, what can I expect under the 4 variations:

SiL Controller with caviar drives?

Sil Controller with RE3 drives?

High end raid controller with caviar drives?

High end raid controller with RE3 drives?

5. Mirror vs raidz
Can any of the issues with consumer drives be reduced using one type of vdev over the other? Will adding a seperate log or cache device help?

For a backup server, which would you choose, 4 drives in raidz, 4 drives in raidz2, 3 drives in raidz with hs, 4 drives with 2 mirrored pairs?
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