On 25 Jul 2010, at 14:12, Ben <ben.lav...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've read a small amount about compression, enough to find that it'll effect 
> performance (not a problem for me) and that once you enable compression it 
> only effects new files written to the file system.  

Yes, that's true. Compression on defaults to lzjb which is fast; but gzip-9 can 
be twice as good. (I've just done some tests on the MacZFS port on my blog for 
more info)

> Is this still true of b134?  And if it is, how can I compress all of the 
> current data on the file system?  Do I have to move it off then back on?

Any changes to the filesystem only take effect on newly written/updated files. 
You could do a cp to force a rewrite but in the interim would take space for 
the old and new copies; furthermore, if you have snapshots, then even removing 
the old (uncompressed) files won't get the space back. 

If you destroy all snapshots, then do a cp/rm on a file by file basis you may 
be able to do an in-place compression. 

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