On Mon, July 26, 2010 14:51, Dav Banks wrote:
> I wanted to test it as a backup solution. Maybe that's crazy in itself but
> I want to try it.
> Basically, once a week detach the 'backup' pool from the mirror, replace
> the drives, add the new raidz to the mirror and let it resilver and sit
> for a week.

While a neat solution, I think you'd be better off using incremental
send/recv functionality for backups. Having an online "backup" really
isn't a true backup IMHO. It's too easy to fat finger something and then
you're hosed as the change was replicated in real-time to both sides of
the mirror (though this is mitigated a bit if you automatically take
regular snapshots).

Mirroring is (IMHO) for up time and insurance against hardware failure.
Backups are /independent/ copies of data that are insurance something
happening to your primary copy.

You could do the same thing with a separate pool and send/recv, without
taking the hit on write IOps from the second half of the mirror: basically
async replication instead of synchronous.

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