On Aug 4, 2010, at 12:26 AM, Richard Elling wrote:

The tipping point for the change in the first fit/best fit allocation algorithm is now 96%. Previously, it was 70%. Since you don't specify which OS, build,
or zpool version, I'll assume you are on something modern.

I'm running Solaris 10 10/09 s10x_u8wos_08a, ZFS Pool version 15.

NB, "zdb -m" will show the pool's metaslab allocations. If there are no 100% free metaslabs, then it is a clue that the allocator might be working extra hard.

On the first two VDEVs there are no allocations 100% free (most are nearly full)... The two newer ones, however, do have several allocations of 128GB each, 100% free.

If I understand correctly in that scenario the allocator will work extra, is that correct?

OK, so how long are they waiting?  Try "iostat -zxCn" and look at the
asvc_t column.  This will show how the disk is performing, though it
won't show the performance delivered by the file system to the
application. To measure the latter, try "fsstat zfs" (assuming you are
on a Solaris distro)

Checking with iostat, I noticed the average wait time to be between 40ms and 50ms for all disks. Which doesn't seem too bad.

And this is the output of fsstat:

# fsstat zfs
new  name   name  attr  attr lookup rddir  read read  write write
file remov  chng   get   set    ops   ops   ops bytes   ops bytes
3.26M 1.34M 3.22M  161M 13.4M  1.36G  9.6M 10.5M  899G 22.0M  625G zfs

However I did have CPU spikes at 100% where the kernel was taking all cpu time.

I have reduced my zfs_arc_max parameter as it seemed the applications were struggling for RAM and things are looking better now

Thanks for your time,
Eduardo Bragatto.
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