Thank you everyone for your answers.

Cost is a factor, but the main obstacle is that the chassis will only support 
four SSDs (and that's with using the spare 5.25 bay for a 4x2.5 hotswap bay).  

My plan now is to buy the ssd's and do extensive testing.  I want to focus my 
performance efforts on two zpools (7x146GB 15K U320 + 7x73GB 10k U320).  I'd 
really like two ssd's for L2ARC (one ssd per zpool) and then slice the other 
two ssd's and then mirror the slices for SLOG (one mirrored slice per zpool).  
I'm worried that the ZILs won't be significantly faster than writing to disk.  
But I guess that's what testing is for.  If the ZIL in this arrangement isn't 
beneficial then I can have four disks for L2ARC instead of two (or my wife and 
I get ssd's for our laptops).

Thank you again everyone for your quick responses
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