On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Marc Emmerson <marc.emmer...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a 10TB array (zpool = 2x 5 disk raidz1), I had dedup enabled on a
> couple of filesystems which I decided to delete last week, the first
> contained about 6GB of data and was deleted in about 30 minutes, the second
> (about 100GB of VMs) is still being deleted (I think) 4.5 days later!
> Now, I've seen delete "dedup enabled fs" operations take a while before (2
> days) but 4.5 days is a surprise.
> I am wondering what (if anything) I can do to speed this up, my server only
> has 4GB RAM, would it be beneficial/safe for me to switch off, upgrade to
> 8GB?  I am assuming this may help the delete operation as more memory should
> mean that more of the dedup table is stored in RAM?
> Or is there anything else I can do to speed things up or indeed determine
> how much longer left?
> I'd appreciate any advice, cheers
It would be extremely beneficial for you to switch off and upgrade to 8GB.

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