On Aug 18, 2010, at 10:43 AM, Bob Friesenhahn <bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us> 

> On Wed, 18 Aug 2010, Joerg Schilling wrote:
>> Linus is right with his primary decision, but this also applies for static
>> linking. See Lawrence Rosen for more information, the GPL does not distinct
>> between static and dynamic linking.
> GPLv2 does not address linking at all and only makes vague references to the 
> "program".  There is no insinuation that the program needs to occupy a single 
> address space or mention of address spaces at all. The "program" could 
> potentially be a composition of multiple cooperating executables (e.g. like 
> GCC) or multiple modules.  As you say, everything depends on the definition 
> of a "derived work".
> If a shell script may be dependent on GNU 'cat', does that make the shell 
> script a "derived work"?  Note that GNU 'cat' could be replaced with some 
> other 'cat' since 'cat' has a well defined interface.  A very similar 
> situation exists for loadable modules which have well defined interfaces 
> (like 'cat').  Based on the argument used for 'cat', the mere injection of a 
> loadable module into an execution environment which includes GPL components 
> should not require that module to be distributable under GPL.  The module 
> only needs to be distributable under GPL if it was developed in such a way 
> that it specifically depends on GPL components.

This is how I see it as well.

The big problem is not the insmod'ing of the blob but how it is distributed.

As far as I know this can be circumvented by not including it in the main 
distribution but through a separate repo to be installed afterwards, ala Debian 


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