On Sep 12, 2010, at 11:05 AM, Warren Strange wrote:

> I posted the following to the VirtualBox forum. I would be interested in 
> finding out if anyone else has ever seen zpool corruption with VirtualBox as 
> a host on OpenSolaris:
> -----------------------------------------
> I am running OpenSolaris b134 as a VirtualBox host, with a Linux guest.
> I have experienced 6-7 instances of my zpool getting corrupted.  I am 
> wondering if anyone else has ever seen this before. 
> This is on a mirrored zpool - using drives from two different manufacturers 
> (i.e. it is very unlikely both drives would fail at the same time, with the 
> same blocks going bad). I initially thought I might have a memory problem - 
> which could explain the simultaneous disk failures. After running memory 
> diagnostics for 24 hours with no errors reported, I am beginning to suspect 
> it might be something else.

So we are clear, you are running VirtualBox on ZFS, rather than ZFS on 

> I am using shared folders from the guest - mounted at guest boot up time. 
> Is it possible that the Solaris vboxsf shared folder kernel driver is causing 
> corruption? Being in the kernel, would it allow bypassing of the normal zfs 
> integrity mechanisms? Or is it possible there is some locking issue or race 
> condition that triggers the corruption?
> Anecdotally, when I see the corruption the sequence of events seems to be:
> - dmesg reports various vbox drivers being loaded (normal - just loading the 
> drivers)
> - Guest boots - gets just pass grub boot screen to the initial redhat boot 
> screen. 
> - The Guest hangs and never boots. 
> - zpool status -v  reports corrupted files. The files are on the zpool 
> containing the shared folders and the VirtualBox images
> Thoughts?

Bad power supply, HBA, cables, or other common cause.
To help you determine the sort of corruption, for mirrored pools FMA will record
the nature of the discrepancies.
        fmdump -eV
will show a checksum error and the associated bitmap comparisons.
 -- richard

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