On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 9:36 AM, Ben Miller <bmil...@mail.eecis.udel.edu>wrote:

> I have an X4540 running b134 where I'm replacing 500GB disks with 2TB disks
> (Seagate Constellation) and the pool seems sick now.  The pool has four
> raidz2 vdevs (8+2) where the first set of 10 disks were replaced a few
> months ago.  I replaced two disks in the second set (c2t0d0, c3t0d0) a
> couple of weeks ago, but have been unable to get the third disk to finish
> replacing (c4t0d0).
> I have tried the resilver for c4t0d0 four times now and the pool also comes
> up with checksum errors and a permanent error (<metadata>:<0x0>).  The first
> resilver was from 'zpool replace', which came up with checksum errors.  I
> cleared the errors which triggered the second resilver (same result).  I
> then did a 'zpool scrub' which started the third resilver and also
> identified three permanent errors (the two additional were in files in
> snapshots which I then destroyed).  I then did a 'zpool clear' and then
> another scrub which started the fourth resilver attempt.  This last attempt
> identified another file with errors in a snapshot that I have now destroyed.
> Any ideas how to get this disk finished being replaced without rebuilding
> the pool and restoring from backup?  The pool is working, but is reporting
> as degraded and with checksum errors.

Try to run a `zpool clear pool2` and see if clears the errors. If not, you
may have to detach `c4t0d0s0/o`.

I believe it's a bug that was fixed in recent builds.

Giovanni Tirloni
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