Hi!We're trying to pinpoint our performance issues and we could use all the 
help to community can provide.  We're running the latest version of Nexenta on 
a pretty powerful machine (4x Xeon 7550, 256GB RAM, 12x 100GB Samsung SSDs for 
the cache, 50GB Samsung SSD for the ZIL, 10GbE on a dedicated switch, 11x pairs 
of 15K HDDs for the pool).  We're connecting a single Linux box to it using 
iSCSI and using "top" we see it spent all its time in iowait.  Using "zpool 
iostat" on the Nexenta box I can see that the disks are barely working, 
typically reading <500K/sec and doing about 50 IOPS each- they obviously can do 
much better.   We see the same pattern wether we're doing SQL queries (MySQL) 
or simply doing file copies.  What's particularly curious is that with file 
copies, there is a long pause (can be a few seconds) between each file that is 
copied.  Even reading a folder (ls) is slow. 
Where should we look at?  What more information should I provide?
Thanks a lot!Ian                                          
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