> Our next test is to try with a different kind of HBA,
> we have a Dell H800 lying around.

ok... we're making progress.  After swapping the LSI HBA for a Dell H800 the 
issue disappeared.  Now, I'd rather not use those controllers because they 
don't have a JBOD mode. We have no choice but to make individual RAID0 volumes 
for each disks which means we need to reboot the server every time we replace a 
failed drive.  That's not good...

What can we do with the LSI HBA?  Would you call LSI's support?  Is there 
anything we should try besides the obvious (using the latests firmware/driver)?

To resume the issue, when we copy files from/to the JBODs connected to that HBA 
using NFS/iSCSI, we get slow transfer rate <20M/s and a 1-2 second pause 
between each file.   When we do the same experiment locally using the external 
drives as a local volume (no NFS/iSCSI involved) then it goes upward of 
350M/sec with no delay between files. 


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