It looks like permissions don't descend properly from the top-level share
in CIFS; I had to set them on the next level down to get the intended
results (including on lower levels; they seem to inherit properly from the
second level, just not from the top).  Is this a known behavior, or am I
confused and setting myself up for trouble later?

More broadly, is there anything good about "best practices" for using ACLS
with ZFS and CIFS shares?  For example, there are so many defined
attributes, some of them with the same short-form letter (I think one is
for directories and one is for files in that case, but that's not
documented that I can find), that I find myself wondering what "standard
bundles" of permissions would be useful.   Is it generally better to have
separate permissions to inherit for files and directories, or can most
things you want be accomplished with just one?

Back to specifics again -- I was running into a problem where a user on
the Solaris box could rename a file or directory, but an XP box
authenticating as the same user could not.  This was the one that seemed
to be solved by setting the permissions again one level down (dunno what
happens with new top-level items yet).  Is this normal behavior of
something that makes sense?  It's terribly weird.  (In windows, I could
right-click and create the "new directory" or whatever, but when I then
filled in the name I wanted and hit enter, I got a permission error.  I
could just leave it named "new directory", though.  And I could rename it
on the Linux side as the same user that failed to rename it from the
Windows side.)

David Dyer-Bennet,;

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