I'm currently having a few problems with my storage server. Server specs are -
Open Solaris snv_134
Supermicro X8DTi motherboard
Intel Xeon 5520
6x 4GB DDR3
LSI RAID Card - running 24x 1.5TB SATA drives
Adaptec 2405 - running 4x Intel SSD X25-E's
Boot's from 8GB USB flash drive

The initial problem started after a while when the console showed SCSI timeouts 
and the whole server locked up. After rebooting  the USB boot drive failed to 
show in the bios, a power cycle fixed the problem and the server worked 
flawlessly for another 30-40 days until it locked up again. I inserted a second 
8GB USB key and mirrored the rpool, again it only lasted 30 days and then 
locked up. It definitely seems as though the USB drives are at fault, the other 
disks have so far performed perfectly.

The next step I was going to take is convert the rpool to a sata 2.5inch laptop 
drive, the problem is when I attempted to run the SSD's from the onboard data 
controller they lasted about 30 minutes before OS set them as degraded due to 
checksum errors. Running them from the 2405 controller has been error free so 
far so I'm very wary of using the on board controller. I was thinking I could 
probably slice up the SSD's to take over the rpool. The two read cache SSD's 
are 60GB each, missing 8GB from each wouldn't cause an issue. 

Can anyone help out with the process to swing the rpool from the USB key to 
SSD? Or if anyone has a suggestion on what I could possibly do to sort out the 


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