On 29 November 2010 15:03, Erik Trimble <erik.trim...@oracle.com> wrote:

> I'd have to re-look at the ZFS Best Practices Guide, but I'm pretty sure
> the recommendation of 7, 9, or 11 disks was for a raidz1, NOT a raidz2.  Due
> to #5 above, best performance comes with an EVEN number of data disks in any
> raidZ, so a write to any disks is always a full portion of the chunk, rather
> than a partial one (that sounds funny, but trust me).  The best balance of
> size, IOPs, and throughput is found in the mid-size raidZ(n) configs, where
> there are 4, 6 or 8 data disks.

Let the maximum block size of 128KiB = s

If the number of disks in a raidz vdev = n, p = number of parity disks used
and d = data drives.

Hence, n = d + p

So, for some given numbers of d:
d s/d
1 128
2 64
3 42.67
4 32
5 25.6
6 21.33
7 18.29
8 16
9 14.22
10 12.8

Hence, for a raidz vdev with a width of 7, d = 6; s/d = 21.33KiB. This isn't
an ideal block size by any stretch of the imagination. Same thing for a
width of 11, d = 10, s/d = 12.8KiB.

What you were aiming for: for ideal performance, one should keep the vdev
width to the form 2^x + p. So, for raidz: 2, 3, 5, 9, 17. raidz2: 3, 4, 6,
10, 18, etc.

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