> From: zfs-discuss-boun...@opensolaris.org [mailto:zfs-discuss-
> boun...@opensolaris.org] On Behalf Of Erik Trimble
> (1) Unless you are using Zvols for "raw" disk partitions (for use with
> something like a database), the recordsize value is a MAXIMUM value, NOT
> an absolute value.  Thus, if you have a ZFS filesystem with a record size
> 128k, it will break up I/O into 128k chunks for writing, but it will also
> smaller chunks.  I forget what the minimum size is (512b or 1k, IIRC), but
> ZFS does is use a Variable block size, up to the
> maximum size specified in the "recordsize" property.   So, if
> recordsize=128k and you have a 190k write I/O op, it will write a 128k
> and a 64k chunk (64 being the smallest multiple of 2 greater than the
> remaining 62 bits of info).  It WON'T write two 128k chunks.

So ... Suppose there is a raidz2 with 8+2 disks.  You write a 128K chunk,
which gets divided up into 8 parts, and each disk writes a 16K block, right?

It seems to me, limiting the max size of data that a disk can write will
ultimately result in more random scattering of information about in the
drives, and degrade performance.  

We previously calculated (in some other thread) that in order for a drive to
be "efficient" which we defined as 99% useful and 1% wasted time seeking,
then each disk would need to be read/writing 40M blocks consistently.  (Of
course, depending on the specs of the drive, but typical consumer &
enterprise disks were consistently around 40M.)  

So wouldn't it be useful to set the recordsize to something huge?  Then if
you've got a large chunk of data to be written, it's actually *permitted* to
be written as a large chunk instead of forcibly breaking it up?

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